速報APP / 教育 / Cornfield School

Cornfield School





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:2 Parsons Court, Welbury Way, Aycliffe Industrial Park, Newton Aycliffe, DL5 6ZE

Cornfield School(圖1)-速報App

Cornfield is a school maintained by West Sussex County Council, for students aged 9 to 16 who have social, emotional and/or behavioural difficulties. The school was opened in 1994 and enjoys pleasant accommodation in grounds near to The Littlehampton Academy.

Cornfield School(圖2)-速報App

For all our students, our aim is to provide them with a supportive learning environment in which they can grow into responsible young people ready to take their place in the world of work. All students follow the National Curriculum, working towards Entry Level Certificate or GCSE at the end of year 11. Students work in small groups of 8, often with a teaching assistant as well as the subject teacher. We recognise that each student is an individual, with individual needs. Students have an Individual Education Plan and a Behaviour Programme designed to help them target particular behaviours.

Cornfield School(圖3)-速報App

We believe that education is a partnership between school and home. It is only through working together that we can achieve the best for your child.

Cornfield School(圖4)-速報App

Features of the app...

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* Keep up to date with all the latest news and events

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* Receive important updates as it happen with GCM push notifications.

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* View our school timetable and other important times and dates

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* Contact the school to report important issues.

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* Add to your contacts with our handy 'Add to contacts' button

* View all our key information in the palm of your hand